
レッスン:11月16日(土)14:00-17:00 (Special class) Christmas Pudding

本物の英国クリスマスプディングを作りましょう!手作りのクリスマスプディングはスーパーで買えるプディングと全然違いますし、とても作りやすいです^ ^。自分のプディングがレッスンで一次茹でている間に、昔のホイルと紐でフタを作る練習と、2種類のソースを作って、ステイシーがプディングに火の付け方をデモし、ソースで食べ比べましょう。それからプディングの話したくさん!持ち帰ったプディングの保存の仕方と食べたいときの二次茹でるアドバイスももちろん。持ち帰り時はふた付き1pint (600ml、約4-6人分) プラのプディング ボウルもサービス! この長めのレッスンは特別計画ですので数が限定されています。回数券お持ちの方はもちろん使っても可能ですが、レッスンにいらっしゃる時はプラス2,000円を頂きますのでご了承ください。(そうしますとは4回の回数券はいつも通り500円お得になりますと、8回の場合は750円お得になります。)このレッスンは6名までです。

Make your own authentic Christmas pudding! Handmade puddings are so much nicer than ones you can buy at the supermarket, and they are so easy to make. While your pudding is having its first steaming during the lesson, you'll learn the traditional way of covering ceramic pudding basins in case you should ever need that skill, we'll also make two different sauces to serve with Christmas pudding, see how to set the brandy alight when serving and taste a pre-made pudding with the different sauces. We will of course tell you exactly how to store it, and what to do for the second steaming at home. This lesson includes a very handy free, 1-pint reusable plastic pudding basin to take your pudding home in and use again every year. Because this is a special, long lesson please understand that there are very limited places available. If you have a “kaisuuken” multi-ticket, you can use it for this lesson, and there will be a surplus charge of 2,000 yen which you can pay on the day (in this way you retain your regular 750 yen discount for holders of the 8-multitickets, and 500 yen discount for holders of the 4-multitickets). This lesson is for 6 people.